Harvey has been sooo spoiled with hand-knit goods from his nana and I've finally gotten around to taking pictures of all of them. He is getting too big and pretty soon most of them will be too small :( I wanted to be sure to get photographs of these gorgeous knits while they still fit, and I thought you guys might want to see them too!
This is Harvey's sleep-sack/kick-sack/sleeping bag. It's basically a giant tube sock to keep those wriggly legs warm during naps. I realize that he looks a little bit like a mermaid in the picture. But he's not. He's a baby.
a little hat for my little friend.
She made this BEAUTIFUL (ahem, handsome), vest that I love so much and kind of want a matching one for me. And Evan. And Gesso....?
Bonus--those buttons really button!
And I've already posted about those socks before, but his chunky legs are almost too big for them now. Baby, stop growing!
Look! Harvey can juggle SEVEN balls at once! Sad story: Gesso sort of gnawed a hole in the yellow ball. grrrr.....
This blanket -- oh I love it! It has all my favorite colors in it (I might have picked them out....), and it is so snuggly soft.
I'm so glad I have my own personal knitting machine, otherwise I might have to learn how to knit! haha!