
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

wildflower waiting

During the week before Harvey was born I got SUPER DUPER grouchy.  I swear everyone was asking me ridiculous questions that I didn't have the answer to (when's that baby going to come out? or my favorite, did you have your baby yet?  said to my face).   It was getting really hard for me to be patient and field these questions all day long.  So I decided that I was going to focus on something other then my still pregnant self.  I was going to draw one wildflower a day until I gave birth.

It turned out to be a really good idea.  And it helped me be just a little less snarky.

I'd been toying with the idea of doing a desert wildflower series, and this was the push I needed to get started.

Let me introduce you to:


Desert Stickweed

Desert Paintbrush

 Globe Mallow.

And then I had a baby :)

Not sure when I'll start up again.  I sort of have a different project in mind, and we all know I can only focus on one thing at a time...

p.s. there are only 3 things you should say to a pregnant lady

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