
Monday, October 6, 2014

painterly things

Hello?  Hellllooooo?  Gosh, I have so much to say, and I don't even know where to begin.  I've been painting so much lately and it's been so so good for my soul.  I've been updating my website (most everything new is in the food section.  Yes, I really do love food that much.) if you want to see all the fruits of my labor.

I had my first show of sorts on my birthday.  It was a very festive way to end the day!  Amavi cellars was having a big open house to showcase their new production facility, so we just set paintings atop wine barrels and on stacks of cases of wine--you know, very professional like.  I was unnaturally nervous about it, but it ended up being fun and I even had the whole house sing me a slightly tipsy happy birthday tune!

I included a snap of the semi-truck glamour shot painting I did.  It was a commission for a trucking company, and it was actually kind of fun.  I almost gave myself an ulcer trying to get the truck just right, because while I might not care how many tires it has, someone else surely might.

And last week I spent a very late night hanging up cloud and vegetable paintings at the Patisserie (first rate gelatto and pastries, yumyum).  They'll be there all month, and it's nice to have a very valid excuse to stop in for a pastry :)

I also have two events coming up in the Spring at the Roastery and Northstar Winery.

There is so much I want to say about these things.  But I'm not sure how to quite express it.  I have been struggling with my relationship with Walla Walla for a while now.  It's complicated, but it really comes down to me being a brat and wanting to live somewhere spectacular.  And this place feels sort of ordinary sometimes.  I know I know, it's totally stupid.   But something I do like about where I live is all the opportunities I have to try and be an artist.  It really works to my advantage that I live in this weird wine tourism mecca, and that people who buy expensive drinks are also the type of people who impulse buy paintings.  So it's helping me change my attitude.  Which is good.  And now Evan thinks he's going to quit his job and buy some sweat pants and be a stay at home dad.  HA!  I don't think so mister.  But really, I'm so grateful for how it's working out.

p.s. I disabled my blog comments a couple of months ago. I wasn't posting very regularly, and I was feeling guilty about it.  So I wanted to make sure I was posting for me.  (and let's be honest, I wasn't sure anyone was reading this besides my grandma (hi grandma!), so I didn't want the lack of comments to discourage me).  But I've received some of the nicest emails from readers on my last few posts, full of really kind and encouraging words.  It was so nice and maybe I even cried a little bit?  I was so touched that perfect strangers would take the time to do that.  So anyway, thanks for reading and for being nice.  I like you.

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