
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

February Statistics

I spent 50% of February being sick, and it seems like whenever I'm sick I daydream about all the things I would be doing if I was healthy.  And then once I get healthy, I DO THEM.  It's really pretty motivational.  So every other week was spent being productive.

I (re)painted our room! And since the sun came out about 5% of the time in February, I decided to go with a moody gray.  If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em (can you say that about weather...?).

We found a magical blizzard one weekend.  I was so happy about it.

Our pantry door has some cheesey etched-glass-grapevine thing on it.  And because I didn't know the rules on painting glass, I found a roll of vinyl chalkboard (you're welcome), and it has been so fun!  I have a grand time picking out a quote of the week, and someday soon I hope that Harvey does a little drawing of the week (day? hour?) down below.

I got our 2013 family yearbook made.  I went through blurb instead of shutterfly this time.  It seemed like the right decision.

I made a fun pillow!  (I was inspired by this one) When Evan saw it he said he thought it had "a latin flair" to it.  And I heard it as "Aladin flair".  And you know what, I think it has both!  And I like it.  And I hope it never gets dirty because I have no idea how to wash a very long pillow.

This little dude is my favorite.  And we walked the cul-de-sac sidewalk loop about 57 times this month.

We got Harvey a tiny sleeping bag.  And now I don't know what's cuter... baby shoes or baby sleeping bags?  Equally cute?

And then we used it to stay warm at a snowy yurt last weekend.  

It was 100% awesome.

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